A work in progress photo of "John ...(as the dark knight)",oil on wooden panel, close to being ready to set aside. ©2015 A closeup view of a new charcoal and chalk drawing, 'Littleman', on toned Canson paper. ©2015 leSpring Here is a progress snapshot of "The Orb ...(Bonnie)". It is getting closer to the end but still work to be done on the glass orb itself and Bonnie's face and hair. Drawn with charcoal, chalk and Pan Pastels on Canson paper. ©2014 leSpring A detail of "All We Need ' (Hyonjun Rhee and Youhee Son), in rehearsal at The Tulsa Ballet, charcoal and chalk on toned Canson paper. On display at the Preforming Arts Center (PAC) Tulsa from October 2 thru November 2, 2014 to benefit the Tulsa Ballet. © leSpring 2014 A detail view of a new work ' ...The Earring' (Tommie), charcoal and chalk on toned paper. © 2014 leSpring (private collection) A close up detail of ' ...with Skulls' (Rachael) in progress. Drawn with charcoal, chalk and Pan Pastels on toned Canson paper. ©2014 leSpring (private collection) A new charcoal, chalk and Pan Pastel drawing on a middle gray toned Canson paper, 'Blue World' (Christa). ©2013 leSpring "The Folly Project - 2" (leSpring © 2012), Drawn with graphite, charcoal and Pan Pastel on mylar with a white paper backing. All the 'Folly' head studies are turning out to be 11"x11" and at the frame shop they end up about 15.75" x 15.75", double matted with black frame. I have already started numbers three and four and will post some progress pictures soon or check the Facebook page, www.facebook.com/michaeldeanspringer . '....In Cold Blood' (Christa), framed and ready for hanging, drawn with PanPastels, charcoal and white chalk pencils on a toned Canson Mi-Teintes paper. ©2012 leSpring |
Working as a visual artist, Michael merges the fields of design, art Archives
August 2022